Thursday, December 22, 2011

A penny for your thoughts...

A penny for your thoughts?  A nickel for your time? What would be the cost to make what you and I have divine?  I could stay all day in the shadows of your world but my heart still feels so hollow and deserted.  I dive deep into these waters because I want to uncover the truth.  I want to face the reality and regain all of my lost youth.  But instead I begin to drown...choking on the waters that surround every inch of my body...or is it me that won't come around?  Am I the one holding me down?

A penny for your thoughts?  A nickel for your time? What would be the cost to make what you and I have divine?  My eyes search far into the horizon...looking for the Sun.  I can tell it's there...the pinks and oranges flood the sky...but Sun, why do you seem so shy?  Why won't you rise high into the sky?  I will wait...I will sit in your shadows because they are the only shadows I know.  But someday your rays will melt the frost that covers my heart...I know...I think....oh, please have least I'll try...

A penny for your thoughts?  A nickel for your time? What would be the cost to make what you and I have divine?  My heart aches with pains I've never felt.  I carry tears on the brim of my eyelids...I don't dare let them fall.  They are forbidden cares...hopeless hopes...empty dreams.  And yet it seems that they will never fade from the depths of my soul.  Soul keeper, lock them shut...away from my heart and mind.  Maybe this way I can reach cloud nine...

A penny for your thoughts?  A nickel for your time? What would be the cost to make what you and I have divine?  It seems that you and I have run out of time.  The Sun is on the horizon and I can see it rising...slowly...yes, slowly...spreading light across this pale and torn skin.  But when the grass is no longer green...and when the sparrows have no song to sing...When words stop telling stories...and the angels stop giving God glory...that is when I'll stop loving you...isn't that so divine?

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