Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's day weekend and Homeowner Responsibilities

I've had a pretty good weekend.  We have a new neighbor down the street from us and he invited us and our neighbors over for the fight Saturday night.  We had a really great time and met a lot of people there.  BUT I was horribly sick the next morning when I woke up so I was a homebody all day on Sunday with my husband lol.  I really miss my mom though and all the rest of my family down in Florida.  I wish I could've been there to celebrate Mother's Day with them.  I sent my mom and my aunt a card which they got Saturday.  I had my aunt in tears and she got me all choked up too.  Ugh...this is definitely one downfall of military life....being far away from loved ones.

On another note...yesterday my husband and I were learning new responsibilities of homeownership. lol I had to fix one of the screens on my back porch.  I was dogsitting for my neighbor and she has gorgeous great dane who at 6 months is at least 5 ft stretched out and weighs just as much as I do.
Bella in my Scion.  I had to put my seats down she's so big! lol <3

As I was taking Bella out to pee, she accidentally ran straight through the screen!  LOL  I wasn't upset though because Bella's face is so innocent and loving.  She really meant no harm and even on her way back, she came back in through the door even though the hole she made was wide open lol. That cracked me up when she did that.
My screen

So on Saturday I set out to see how I could fix the hole.  I went to Lowes because I thought they might have someone there who could come fix it but after talking with one of the employees at Lowes, he explained the tools I needed and that it wouldn't be difficult at for me to do myself.  Sooo $10 worth of material and tools and 30 minutes later...viola!  I fixed my screen all by myself!  I was a very proud lady.  :D
All I needed was a new roll of screen and a screening tool

Screen fixed!  Yay me!
The key was the fact that my screen still had the black cable in the frame (which is something you can replace yourself as well).  I pulled the black cable out and put the piece of screen I cut out under the cable.  Then I used my screening tools to push the cable back into the slot in the frame.  Quite simple.  So don't need to pay someone to fix your's beginning homeowner doable! lol

The next homeowner responsibility we had this weekend was to mow our lawn.  This is something I do miss about having an need for lawn care! lol  Well turns out the lawnmower my dad donated to us is having some issues.  It starts but it doesn't stay on...sooo now we have to find someone who knows how to fix lawnmowers since that's way out of my league.  I can put oil and gas but the engine is sooo not my territory haha.  We ended up paying someone to do our lawn for us which I was not sad about at all lol.  But of course, it is cheaper to do it yourself so I still want to fix my mower.  Anybody know a good handyman in Ft Bragg???


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