Friday, January 6, 2012

Proud Godmother

I've been sicker than a dog lately.  Even the Dayquil and Nyquil aren't helping.  I'm taking a different route this morning...sipping my Theraflu lemon tea as I blog today.  Hopefully I feel a little better this afternoon.  I've been having a hard time being productive outside the house since the new year has begun.  I can't really workout like I want to.  I tried a few days ago running...I was only able to do a mile in that 20 degree weather and since that run my cough has only gotten worse.  I would go to a gym but it's 30 minutes to the gyms I have access to.  And with being sick I have no motivation to leave my house really.  Today I got up at 8 thinking I was going to head out to Pembroke, work out in the gym, and drop my resume off at the few banks and credit unions they have out there.  I even printed my resume out and everything and had an outfit picked out.  Now all I want to do is stay in my pjs.

On another note, I have been very productive INSIDE my house lol.  I reorganized my garage and unpacked four more boxes.  One step closer to being officially "moved in".  Yes I moved here in April but they say you aren't officially moved in until you unpack that last box lol.  Ok so I might have gotten that off of a Disney movie so what. =)   I also did all the laundry, folded, and put them away.  I organized my dining room, the man cave, and the living room.  Even with all that there is still plenty to do though...clean the kitchen, the bathrooms, there's some more laundry to be done now, and I could tidy up my room a bit.  Maybe I won't be leaving the house today.  Once school starts, it will be more difficult to keep up with the house work so I might as well give myself a head start so that it will be easier on me when school starts up on Monday.  I'm excited to go back to school.  When school let out in December, I was dreading the break, thinking it was going to drag.  But it actually didn't...maybe it was the trip to Philly and NY that helped the time fly.  It's Friday now and in only a few days I'll be back at my routine again.

Oh one more thing happened this week that I'm so happy about and couldn't be more honored.  A dear friend of mine, whom I've shared tears and sorrows, laughs and joy with, has asked me to the the Godmother of her son.  I was overjoyed when she asked me.  I definitely didn't expect it but she made my day with that news.  So I am proud to say I am a Godmother to a beautiful two year old whom I loved since the day he was born.  I still remember the first time I met him face to face in Germany in 2010.  He's such a bright and excited little man and I am honored to be able to watch and help him grow into the handsome gentleman he is going to be one day.

Cheers to 2012 and all the wonderful and exciting things to happen this year.  Happy Three Kings day!

Handsome Jamari <3

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