So yesterday was a very filled schedule for me. I had my student orientation in the morning for UNCP and it went very well aside from not being able to sign up for a few classes. The first couple of hours they introduced all us transfer students to the services available to us and then we moved on to speaking with an adviser. I only had to spend less than 5 minutes with my adviser though. She was so shocked and awed at how prepared I was, I had already had my desired schedule written down and taken care of the few overrides I knew I needed for the classes I wanted. After my little chat with the adviser I went and registered for my classes. I was able to register for 4 of my classes except the two main classes I need this semester. They are have a co-enrollment requirement which means I can't sign up for one without the other. One of the classes is already filled so I can't sign up for the other class which still has seats available. =/ I emailed my Department Chair though so I'm crossing my fingers that he can send an override to get me into the class that's closed.
Oh yes! And an update from my meeting with the Department Chair last week...I was able to transfer two of the four classes I had asked for which is a miracle! I'm glad because that's two less major requirement classes that I have to take. I'm still missing too many classes to graduate in two years but at least I have 60 credits total that transferred over so I don't need to do any electives. =)
After registration, I headed off to the cafeteria to eat lunch and then got stuck in that building because it was raining MRAPs and Humvees outside lol. They had a bunch of tables set up from different organizations and Greeks trying to recruit. One of the tables was the Army ROTC table. As I walked by the guy at the table asked if I wanted to join the Army. LOL I looked at him and said "I'm already signed up and I'll be started this Wednesday." We got to talking about the class and how I ended up in North Carolina. I mentioned my husband moving from the 173rd in Bamberg and he immediately yelled out "No way!" and showed me his combat patch. Well I'll be damned he was a Sky Soldier! Our conversation lasted another 15 minutes or so lol. God knows I can brag about my Sky Soldiers until the lights go out haha. It was nice to meet someone though. At least I won't be totally nervous my first day of class because I'll know someone. =)
NEXT my husband and I were off with our lovely neighbors Bexaida and Destiny to welcome home Bexi's husband from Afghanistan. It was a great homecoming and it gave me a chance to practice my photo shooting. I can't say I'll ever be a professional photographer but it sure was fun. Here are a couple pics from this emotional and exciting moment for all of us. (My editing is pretty cheap but I don't have a professional photo editor....yet!) =P Enjoy!
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